Source code for bioarch.joints

#!/usr/bin/env python

import enum
from enum import Enum
import functools
import logging
from statistics import mean

import pandas as pd
from pandas.api.types import CategoricalDtype

from .left_right import LeftRight

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@functools.total_ordering @enum.unique class JointCondition(Enum): """ 1 - slight/mild 2 - medium 3 - extreme 4 - fused 5 - SCHMORL NODES 6 - FRACTURE """ NORMAL = 0 # noqa: E221,E222 MILD = 1 # noqa: E221,E222 MEDIUM = 2 # noqa: E221,E222 EXTREME = 3 # noqa: E221,E222 FUSED = 4 # noqa: E221,E222 SCHMORL_NODES = 5 # noqa: E221,E222 FRACTURE = 6 # noqa: E221,E222
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(value): if value is None: return None if type(value) == JointCondition: # pylint: disable=C0123 return value if isinstance(value, int): value = str(value) if not isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError(f'Failed to parse JointCondition: "{value}"') value = value.upper() for condition in JointCondition: if value == return condition if value == str(condition.value): return condition if value in ('NA', 'N'): return None logger.error('Failed to parse JointCondition: "%s"', value) raise ValueError
[docs] @staticmethod def avg(left, right): if left is None: return right if right is None: return left return JointCondition(int(mean((left.value, right.value))))
def __lt__(self, other): if other is None: return False if isinstance(other, int): other = JointCondition(other) if type(other) != type(self): # pylint: disable=C0123 logger.warning('Attempt to compare: %s with %s', self, other) raise NotImplementedError return (self.value < other.value) # pylint: disable=C0325,W0143 def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}: {self}' def __str__(self): return
[docs] @staticmethod def dtype(): return CategoricalDtype(categories=[ for s in JointCondition], ordered=True)
JOINTS_SUMMARY_STATS = { 'cervical': set(['c1_3', 'c4_7']), 'thoracic': set(['t1_4', 't5_8', 't9_12']), 'lumbar': set(['l1_5']), }
[docs]class Joints(object): # pylint: disable=R0902 """docstring for Joints""" def __init__(self, shoulder: LeftRight[JointCondition], elbow: LeftRight[JointCondition], wrist: LeftRight[JointCondition], hip: LeftRight[JointCondition], knee: LeftRight[JointCondition], ankle: LeftRight[JointCondition], sacro_illiac: JointCondition, c1_3: JointCondition, c4_7: JointCondition, t1_4: JointCondition, t5_8: JointCondition, t9_12: JointCondition, l1_5: JointCondition): self.shoulder = shoulder self.elbow = elbow self.wrist = wrist self.hip = hip self.knee = knee self.ankle = ankle self.sacro_illiac = sacro_illiac self.c1_3 = c1_3 self.c4_7 = c4_7 self.t1_4 = t1_4 self.t5_8 = t5_8 self.t9_12 = t9_12 self.l1_5 = l1_5
[docs] @staticmethod def empty(): args = [LeftRight(None, None)] * 6 args += [None] * 7 return Joints(*args)
[docs] def to_pd_data_frame(self, index): data = { 'id': pd.Series([index]), } for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(value, LeftRight): data[f'{key}_left'] = pd.Series([ if value.left else None], copy=True, dtype=JointCondition.dtype()) data[f'{key}_right'] = pd.Series([ if value.right else None], copy=True, dtype=JointCondition.dtype()) avg = value.avg() data[f'{key}_avg'] = pd.Series([ if avg else None], copy=True, dtype=JointCondition.dtype()) else: data[f'{key}'] = pd.Series([ if value else None], copy=True, dtype=JointCondition.dtype()) for prefix, cols in JOINTS_SUMMARY_STATS.items(): subset = [value for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if key in cols and value is not None] min_val = min(subset) if subset else None max_val = max(subset) if subset else None count = len(subset) data[f'{prefix}_min'] = pd.Series([ if min_val else None], copy=True, dtype=JointCondition.dtype()) data[f'{prefix}_max'] = pd.Series([ if max_val else None], copy=True, dtype=JointCondition.dtype()) data[f'{prefix}_count'] = pd.Series([count], copy=True) return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data).set_index('id')
if __name__ == "__main__": raise RuntimeError('No main available')