Source code for bioarch.left_right

#!/usr/bin/env python

import inspect
from statistics import mean
from typing import Any, cast, Generic, List, Optional, TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T')

[docs]def best_effort_avg(left: Optional[T], right: Optional[T]) -> Optional[T]: if left is None: return right if right is None: return left if isinstance(left, int): if not isinstance(right, int): raise TypeError return cast(T, int(mean((left, right)))) if isinstance(left, float): if not isinstance(right, float): raise TypeError return cast(T, mean((left, right))) if right.__class__ != left.__class__: raise TypeError type_class = left.__class__ if hasattr(type_class, 'avg') and inspect.isfunction(getattr(type_class, 'avg')): avg_func = getattr(type_class, 'avg') arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(avg_func) if len(arg_spec.args) != 2: raise ValueError if arg_spec.args[0] == 'self': raise ValueError if arg_spec.varargs is not None: raise ValueError if arg_spec.varkw is not None: raise ValueError return cast(T, avg_func(left, right)) arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(type_class) if arg_spec.varargs is not None: raise ValueError if arg_spec.varkw is not None: raise ValueError avg_args: List[Any] = [] for key in arg_spec.args[1:]: if key.startswith('_'): key = key[1:] left_val = getattr(left, key) right_val = getattr(right, key) avg = best_effort_avg(left_val, right_val) avg_args.append(avg) return type_class(*avg_args) # type: ignore
[docs]class LeftRight(Generic[T]): """Wrapper around measurements taken on both the left and right sides. This augments the two measurements by adding a meta-measurement with the "avg"/"best" combination of both.""" __slots__ = ['left', 'right'] def __init__(self, left: Optional[T], right: Optional[T]): if type(left) != type(right) and left is not None and right is not None: # pylint: disable=C0123 raise ValueError(f'Left and right types not the same: left="{type(left)}", left="{type(right)}"') self.left: Optional[T] = left self.right: Optional[T] = right
[docs] def avg(self) -> Optional[T]: """meta-measurement with the "avg"/"best" combination of both.""" return best_effort_avg(self.left, self.right)
def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False if type(other) != type(self): # pylint: disable=C0123 raise NotImplementedError return ((self.left, self.right) == (other.left, other.right)) # pylint: disable=C0325 def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.left}, {self.right})' def __str__(self): return f'left: "{self.left}", right: "{self.right}")'
if __name__ == "__main__": raise RuntimeError('No main available')